
Joe Kwiecinski’s big largemouth bass, caught on opening day at Braidwood Lake, earns Fish of the Week and also gives a chance to get the feel of the opener at the cooling lake.
Dog toys in a drey, regular sandhill visitors in Orland Park and bowhunting harvest for turkeys in Illinois are among the notes from around Chicago outdoors and beyond.
Stan Gehrt and Kerry Luft bring urban coyotes to the general public with “Coyotes Among Us,” a book written from the perspective of 20 years of studying coyotes at the Cook County-based Urban Coyote Research Project.
Bob Dolgan’s latest film, “Fluddles” is a chance to dive into a good word and to spread the good word on fluddles relationship to conservation.
Some have wondered if new football coach Robbie Gould will show Saturday for the Indoor Fishing Flea Market at Rolling Meadows High School.
Five Impressionist oil paintings, by an unknown artist, are on display through April 19.
Fishing through seesawing weather (how many times can you go from unseasonable heat to snow in one week?) leads this sprawling raw-file Midwest Fishing Report.
Survey indicates blue catfish are doing well (so are largemouth bass) at Braidwood Lake, which reopens to fishing on Friday.
Jason Garon and his 14-year-old daughter had a good weekend shed hunting.
Juan Macias caught and released a muskie caught while crappie fishing at Busse Woods.
Paul Vriend’s photo of a buck at Rosehill Cemetery and things in dreys and nests are among the notes from around Chicago outdoors and beyond.
Enjoying the history trail from the old-time baseball player and renowned decoy carver George Barto to his great-grandson Pat Gregory, a modern well-respected decoy carver.
There are possibilities as far afield as Indianapolis and Madison.
There’s something magical about the return of bald eagles from the brink.
Thinking that hints of coho should explode very soon on southern Lake Michigan, while inland ice will or has transitioned to open water, lead this sprawling raw-file Midwest Fishing Report.
Robin Volke crosses five generations in his fishing, fly tying, lure making, custom rod building, glass ornament making and rod repair.
A report of watching a lakefront gar, a photo of a half-rack buck in the south suburbs and reasons for hunting shed antlers are among the notes from around Chicago outdoors and beyond.
Some takeaways from opening morning Friday at the Tinley Park Fishing, Travel & Outdoor Expo.
Living the memories the day after the sale of The Salmon Stop in Waukegan. One of the area’s most venerable bait and tackle shops will close after 52 years.
The Great Backyard Bird Count is also among the weekend’s top events.
Ken “Husker” O’Malley will have a booth and do a seminar at the second year of the Tinley Park Fishing, Travel and Outdoor Expo,, which doubled in size from last year.
The mix of ice and open water lead this sprawling raw-file Midwest Fishing Report.
The Chicago area’s unusually mild weather has made for a strange week.
Hunting for shed antlers is mainly for the fun of finding them, but there is a practical side to finding shed antlers before they do bad things to the tires of farm equipment.
Stories and photos of red foxes and weird animal courtships are among the notes from around Chicago outdoors and beyond.
The Northern Illinois Conservation Club’s 64th annual ice fishing derby (without ice fishing) also leads this Go & Show.
Our abnormally mellow winter is not a good thing long term, but it brought some wild, wacky and wonderful side benefits.
Early coho reports and ice reports to the north lead this sprawling raw-file Midwest Fishing Report, otherwise, this is a mixed-up affair.
Eugene NeSmith caught and released a big walleye on the Fox Chain O’Lakes during the peak of the ice season to earn Fish of the Week.
A leucistic Canada goose in the Roselle, red fox in Downers Grove and poet Wendell Berry on snow are among the notes from around Chicago outdoors and beyond.