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Daniel Gonzalez-Munguia is being held in Chicago’s Metropolitan Correctional Center and faces up to 60 years in prison.
Barely speaking above a whisper and fighting tears, Desiree Figueroa told Judge Peggy Chiampas that she was sorry. “I could never apologize for what I did enough at all,” she said. “That’s all, judge, thank you.”
Carlos has been instrumental in fostering consensus to enact significant policy wins on civilian police oversight and higher wages for tipped workers, a national activist writes. Ramirez-Rosa deserves to be restored to a leadership role on City Council.
Chicago is the only U.S. city to host the event outside of Park City, Utah, home to the annual Sundance Film Festival.
Trailer for upcoming third season shows Carmy presenting his ‘non-negotiables.’
Inspector General Deborah Witzburg warned that using pepper spray and corralling protesters ‘risks escalating tensions and violating constitutional rights of lawful demonstrators.’
Las playas de Chicago estarán abiertas todos los días con salvavidas hasta el Día del Trabajo. El pasado viernes, los visitantes se dispersaron por la playa de North Avenue, descansando en las toallas y jugando en el agua.
Como parte de la exposición “Flight of the Butterflies” (“El vuelo de mariposas”), diez obras de arte de 6 pies de altura, han aterrizado en Michigan Avenue.
The music superstar is facing multiple lawsuits, including one from Rodney Jones, 38, who grew up in Chicago’s gospel music community.
“This city has a history of attacking and trying to bring down their African American leaders,” CTA President Dorval Carter Jr. told a City Council committee.
Darrien Harris was convicted in 2011 of fatally shooting Rondell Moore at a South Side gas station and was sentenced to 76 years in prison. There was no physical evidence linking Harris to the shooting.
Since the first reported case on March 7, over 30,000 vaccines have been administered, primarily to migrants in shelters.
Breanna Stewart and Napheesa Collier’s Unrivaled league is set to debut with players earning the highest average salary in women’s professional sports league history. Collier and Stewart said that all salaries will be six figures.
The singers celebrate a behind-the-scenes look at their boy-band success via their playful “Legendary Night” tour.
The Sox will recall Lenyn Sosa before opening three-game series in Milwaukee Friday.
Gov. J.B. Pritzker in 2022 spoke before state Democratic Party leaders in New Hampshire and Florida, fueling speculation that he was plotting a presidential run in 2024. Since then, he’s repeatedly tamped down questions about his presidential ambitions.
A celebration around Willow Slough Fish and Wildlife Area’s 75th anniversary and Chicago Yacht Club’s In-Water Boat & Tech Show are Go & Show this week.
Surprising flavor combinations — think gravy-flavored Jones Soda or Sour Patch Kids Oreos — are showing up more frequently in grocery stores and restaurant chains.
Two men were found in a soccer field with gunshot wounds about 2 a.m. Thursday at La Villita Park in the 2800 block of South Sacramento Avenue. The men had been involved in a car accident prior to the shooting.
Yellow Banana is far from living up to its vow to get rid of the food deserts in some West and South Side neighborhoods.
Veteran lake swimmers offer tips and guidance on what you need to know before you jump in.
3rd Coast Cruising, a sailing academy, has helped hundreds of Chicagoans — many over the age of 50 — discover new adventures on the lake.
Farro is a hearty ancient wheat grain with a nutty, wholesome flavor.
The star, who also directs, has lovely chemistry with leading lady Vicky Krieps.
“They play on Fridays, they go to lunch on Wednesday, often bowl on Tuesdays, and sometimes go golfing on Thursday. That kind of structure and that kind of community that all of these guys have is gold,” says Greg Zerkis, nicknamed “Brinks.”
From the softball diamond to the yoga mat, people 50 and up “are not looking for some geriatric type of workout.”
A boy and woman were in the 12400 block of South Lowe Avenue about 4:30 p.m. when a male driver of an SUV struck them and fled. The boy suffered a leg injury and was hospitalized in critical condition. The woman, 20, was in fair condition with an abrasion to her face.
Lander Coleman, the subject of a nationwide manhunt, suffered a “relatively minor” self-inflicted gunshot wound in the Roseland neighborhood, police said.
Imani and Searocket produced an egg, raising hopes for another generation of piping plovers to hatch at Montrose Beach.
Sidewalks would be cleared in pilot areas whenever “two inches or more” of snow and ice accumulate over a 24-hour period for a maximum of seven snow events or a one-year period, “whichever comes first.”
The Bears were chosen for the HBO show for the first time since its launch in 2001.
Up to 1,500 Mexicans with a voting ID will be eligible to vote at the Mexican Consulate of Chicago by 6 p.m. on Sunday.
Because as much as a wrong has been righted here, there’s that tinge of “allowance” and “integration” and “incorporation” that doesn’t sit well.
Durante la final de la Copa Oro 2019 contra Estados Unidos y un amistoso de 2022 contra Ecuador, los aficionados de México corearon un insulto homofóbico contra el portero rival.
Sin apenas hablar más allá de un susurro y conteniendo las lágrimas, Desiree Figueroa le dijo a la jueza Peggy Chiampas que estaba arrepentida. “Nunca podré disculparme lo suficiente por lo que hice”, dijo. “Eso es todo, jueza, gracias”.
Now a dad himself, the former ‘Younger’ actor credits the ‘Mattachine Family’ role for preparing him ‘in so many ways to be a father.’
Annie Gomberg, a volunteer who helps migrants and connected her with the families she took in, called her “a moral exemplar for our time.” “She was more than a friend, more like a mother,” said one of the people to whom she opened her home.